©2024 Edo State Government

Frequently Asked Questions

EDSRAAMP is a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing rural access and agricultural marketing in Edo State, Nigeria. It focuses on improving infrastructure, strengthening agricultural value chains, and promoting sustainable development practices to empower rural communities and farmers.

The main objectives of EDSRAAMP are to improve rural road infrastructure, enhance market access and competitiveness for farmers, promote sustainable agricultural practices, and facilitate capacity building and empowerment initiatives for rural stakeholders.

EDSRAAMP is funded through a combination of sources, including government allocations, grants from development partners, and contributions from other stakeholders. Funding is allocated to specific projects and initiatives aimed at achieving the project’s objectives.

EDSRAAMP initiatives are designed to benefit rural communities, farmers, agribusinesses, and other stakeholders involved in agriculture and rural development in Edo State. Priority is given to underserved and marginalized groups, including women and youth.

If you’re interested in volunteering with EDSRAAMP, you can visit our “Get Involved” page and fill out the volunteer application form. We offer various volunteer opportunities for individuals passionate about rural development, agriculture, and community empowerment.

EDSRAAMP implements a range of projects and initiatives, including rural road construction and rehabilitation, market infrastructure development, capacity building programs, and advocacy efforts aimed at promoting inclusive rural development and agricultural transformation.

EDSRAAMP prioritizes sustainability by incorporating environmental considerations, community engagement, and capacity building into project planning and implementation. We also conduct monitoring and evaluation to track project progress and assess impact on rural communities and farmers.

You can stay updated with the latest news and updates from EDSRAAMP by visiting our website’s “News and Updates” page, following us on social media, or subscribing to our newsletter. We regularly share updates on project milestones, success stories, and upcoming events.